Talk Travel Media brings readers compelling travel articles, reviews, and features monthly in a new digital format. This exciting new Travel Magazine format invites readers to explore the people, places, and cultures from around the world as well as local and regional travel news.

Our digital magazine format is 100% green using flip page technology.

"Traveling is always an adventure, a life experience. While some may visit the new seven wonders of the world to check them off their "to do before I die" list, others appreciate the unique and priceless experiences travel brings. Our issues will share little-known secrets of destinations within Canada as well as from around the world from luxury to budget travel."

Wayne Hansen, Publisher & Senior Editor

Talk Travel Media is based in Vancouver, B.C. Our mandate is to lead one of the most talented teams of writers, editors, and film production personnel in the industry today. Talk Travel Magazine has been publishing for the past 15 years and started initially being a 100% print publication but has now evolved into 100% digital format.

We come from the travel industry and have worked and managed at the retail level. We know what information the travel agents need to succeed in today's marketplace as well as what the public is seeking.

We write about the most compelling topics relevant to today's market and the most popular destinations to visit. Travel Agents and Consumers are overwhelmed with thousands of global travel options. Talk Travel Media presents a unique communication vehicle that cuts through the clutter and presents both a written and visual presentation of the world's destinations.

Talk Travel Media’s related company is the Vancouver International Travel Expo which has grown into Western Canada’s Largest Travel Expo held each year at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

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